Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Any info from the AGM?

Great post Wanderer. Thanks for all the updates as I have been out of town the past week.

I don't think any of us are to happy with where LBEs share price is sitting, but world markets are keeping everyone down.

Through these difficult market times, I would much prefer to be invested into a low cost producing company with a commodity the world needs, than just an explorer.

When cash flow comes to LBE in very short order, it will open a lot of options. When the exploration companies use up their funds, they may see it get very difficult to get financings. This will only give LBE more options down the way.

The delays and financings have hurt, but in a few months, LBE will adding to their production and by Nov-Dec we will be at full production. That not very long to wait.

We have just seen the Hart 43-101 add 3 plus years of production for the mill and Hart has so much more potential to offer. The summer drilling program on the other properties should give us more great news along the way.

We are almost there!



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