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Message: I Don't Get It!

Well said Sarlock.

Whaler would say it is about BALANCE.

I noticed your quote about your points. Well, I went down about 400 points on Sunday too. You should ask Whaler sometime how he works the points but I don't worry about it. (as I doubt he does either). We all have our roles we play. Your expertise is always appreciated. My mother used to say "It is not what you say but it is how you say it." (Not sure I have learned that lesson well) . When you post - you will always post with your financial expertise and that holds a great deal of power during these uncertain times.

I suppose I do present unbridled positivity but my posts also provide some of that balance. Like any good debate you have the pros and the cons amongst the posters. We are the devil's advocate. Specially during trying times we tend to have that.

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