Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: ..Contacting I R Dept

..Contacting I R Dept

posted on Apr 13, 2009 08:31AM

ni hao (pronouced knee how) is hello, just thinking out loud here, but in order to take Lib private, one would require 85 % of the share float. Liberty may have given up opperating control, but still maintains 49 % ownership of the company..

Saying Goodbye and Farewell

  • 再见!
    zài jiàn !
  • 回头见。
    huí tóu jiàn 。
    See you later!
  • 明天见。
    míng tiān jiàn 。
    See you tomorrow.
  • 告辞了。
    gào cí le 。
    So long.
  • 后会有期。
    hòu huì yǒu qī 。
    Hope to see you again.
  • 请留步。
    qǐng liú bù 。
    Please don't bother to come any further.
  • 慢走。
    màn zǒu 。
    Take care.
  • 走好。
    zǒu hǎo 。
    Take care.
  • 不远送了。
    bù yuǎn sòng le.
    I will not go any further.
  • 经常联系啊!
    jīng cháng lián xì a!
    Let's keep in touch.
  • 有空儿常来啊!
    yǒu kōng ér cháng lái a!
    Please visit us when you are free.
  • 多保重!
    duō bǎo zhòng !
    Take care.
  • 一路平安!
    yī lù píng ān !
    Bon Voyage!
  • 一路顺风!
    yī lù shùn fēng !
Apr 13, 2009 09:30AM
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