Message: Seeking Alpha article: LAC's future remains bright....

I agree,Cal, with your "defying gravity" remark.  I suspect that the recent rise in Share Price is inflated by only the wind generated from the incessant drumming of pumpers about what is in their own mind a sure thing of a deal with Tesla.  If Tesla should announce a supply deal with another entity instead then the result would be the same as puncturing a balloon and all of the air would come surging out of this inflated price.  The price increase is not built on solid information, it is not built on achievement of real milestones.  It IS built on innuendo, rumor and idle speculation and just like  3 legged stool with one leg shorter than the other 2, it is highly unstable.  LAC is unfortunately in the grips of the pumpers at the present moment and that is doubly sad since the long term prognosis of LAC is still excellent.  I am afraid that genuine LAC investors are going to have to go through another signifiicant roller coaster ride should the pumpers hot air escape from the balloon.      KA BOOOOOOOM $$$$$$$..... but not in a good way for LAC investors.  

On the other hand, should there actually be a Tesla-LAC deal in the making then circumspective LAC investors woud want to look close at the nature of the deal to be sure that LAC hasn't given away the farm in the process.

The other misconception being touted by the pumpers currently is that some company from China will make a financial deal with LAC for Thacker Pass.  That misconception is even more unlikely than the first.  The relationship of China to the US is lowest that it has been since the days of Ping Pong Diplomacy, but that fact hasn't phased the brain dead pumpers.

One other negative factor regarding LAC currently is the undue delay of the DFS on Thacker Pass.  It begs the question for LAC management of:  "Just how long can you keep moving the Goal Post and still maintain the faith of your investors?"  This shell game of LAC on the Time Line has been very diheartening.  I sent an inquiry to IR about it and they told me they would call me to discuss the DFS, but never have... so another shell game.  Not happy about this at all.

My own guess about Tesla and any Nevada Lithium Jr. is that IF Tesla makes a deal with one of them that it will be with one that Tesla can easily manipulate in order to secure a rock bottom price for Tesla.  Whomever Tesla signs a supply deal with the content of that deal should be carefully scrutinized by anyone who has shares in that supply company.

The blatant pumping is a process whose deception is undoubtedly trapping many unknolwedgeable investors right now.  It is more than shameful, it is frankly disgusting.... however, it only proves a long known axiom of intelligent investing:  1st do the Due Diligence.

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