Message: Price and Volume Action... astounding!

17.8 Million Shares traded today and Share Price approaching $16 a Share, with an intraday High in excess of $16 a Share.

The astounding think about all of this is that it is occuring before any production, astounding and also a signal for caution.  You always want to see your investment increase in value, but the optimal situation is for that increase to be via concrete achievement by the company in regards to production/sales/market expansion/improvement in product/competitive advantage/increased demand or some combination of all of these factors... and not just due to speculation and hype.  We certainly could see a snap back situation in lieu of these milestones being achieved.  I hope that doesn't occur, but to proceed as if the Emperor has no clothes is ludicrous and very unwise.  Then on the other hand, there was someone who made predictions based on TA using only Trend Lines who predicts that somewhere in that $15 to $22 a share range is a Trigger that once pulled will catapult the Share Price into the stratasphere at above $50 a Share.

I can't say that I hope that doesn't happen, only that it sure looks like we are building a house on sand and without a firm foundation.  If that makes me a "Basher", then so be it.  I only wish we were proceeding through these uncharted waters with a history of sequential milestone achievement to shore us up.  Love to be wrong on this, but I am looking for what I suspect will be a significant pull back... unless we have some solid "News" to intercede "soon".   JMO     Okiedo

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