Message: Re: China and Thacker Pass
Oct 29, 2020 02:54PM

Oct 29, 2020 06:11PM
Oct 29, 2020 07:18PM

Oct 30, 2020 03:02AM

Pavel:  "LAC is at least 30% Chinese company, at least according the presentation on their web site."


18 Sept 2020:  "WASHINGTON - The U.S. Commerce Department said Friday it will ban Chinese-owned TikTok and WeChat from U.S. app stores on Sunday and will bar the apps from accessing essential internet services in the U.S. — a move that could effectively wreck the operation of both Chinese services for U.S. users."


I am not saying that will happen with LAC, but anything is possible.  Guess we will have a better handle on that possibility next week.  Just the fact that the U.S. government might take such an action may put a damper on further increases in the ownership of LAC by China/Ganfeng.  Of course, our own political situation here in the U.S. is "in flux" to say the least and the ramifications as to how that will effect LAC's Thacker Pass proposed mine depends on which fortune teller that you consult.  It remains one of those "stay tuned for further developments" sort of things.

As for We Chat, it is probably the largest social media platform in China.  I actually tried to become a member a few months back in order to facilitate my Mandarin lessons, but the Chinese government had already, by that time, made the application  process for foreign nationals ( not just Americans, but all foreign nationals ) quite difficult.  It was a real maze one had to go through and you had to have a Chinese citizen who already had a We Chat membership to sponsor your application.  I had that hurdle solved because of my tutor, but I just gave up because of the other barriers to a successful application.  In retrospect, I am glad that I did!  Presently there are very few ways to use social media to communicate with Chinese citizens living in China.  I only know of one way:  Skype.  And that can be spotty.  I don't know how much longer that Skype will be available.  

This situation of China on their part closing down communications of its citizens with other countries and on the other hand the U.S. shutting down communication on this side with China is leading towards a place where private citizens of both countries may not be able to communicate in the future.  Just another example of how strained the relations are between the U.S. and China at present.  I point that out on this Hub only to emphasize that if this strain between the two countries continues to increase then LAC may be caught in the middle of that schizm.  Pavel has correctly drawn our attention to the fact that China ( through Ganfeng Ltd. ) owns a chunk of LAC.  I can't help but wonder if that partial ownership might serve as a pot hole on LAC's road toward completion of all the approvals they need for Thacker Pass.  Once again, Pavel's ability to see all sides of an issue proves valuable.  He is forcing us to consider something that we might not otherwise have considered, at least seriously considered.  Now we all know it is something to keep on the radar screen.  Thanks, Pavel.

Anyway, back to how this schism may affect LAC in the future:  All speculative.  I can't help wondering if the U.S. will put restrictions on LAC between now and final approval for Thacker Pass as a result of these heightened tensions between the two countries.  On China's part, Chairman Xi has stated recently that he wants China to have the goal of self sufficiency when it comes to computers and communication products, including the mining of materials that are essential to those industries.  Kind of the Chinese version of President Trump's move for the U.S. to accomplish the same goal.  We don't want to be dependent on the Chinese and they don't want to be dependent on us.  And the beat goes on....

Ok, just for reference:  I am using the limited political discussion only to reference how things might effect changes for LAC.  Let's keep that limitation in mind and I don't want to see anyone posting Pro Trump, Anti Trump, Pro Biden or Anti Biden comments here.  I will just have to delete those posts.  Stick to how you expect or predict any political decision will have an effect on LAC, if you feel the need to comment.  I can't allow campaigning on this Hub.. and you guys know that!

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