Message: Patience 2.0

" did not make any comments on the use and future use of High Temperature Cables..."

I did not for following reasons:

1) I have absolutely no clue :-)

2) The "high voltage grid" is the smallest problem of our "green EV future". Firstly, we do not have sufficient output capacity to provide a replacement of the energy of petrol to cope with 50% conversion to EV. All conventional power stations are aging and being replaced, believe it or not, by battery arrays. And greenwashers applaud that as some sort of progress.

Secondly,  the "low voltage" grid or the "last mile" is more critical. Those distribution systems were build 50 years ago for much lower transmission. IMHO all those are running at its capacity and the idea, that it will also support EV charging is crazy.

So we need to rebuild power stations and reconstruct the local power grids. That is not happening now and it will not be completed prior 2030 if ever. The infrastructure will not be able to cope with EV transition and our only chance, as LAC investors, is to wait for first wave of excitement from Thacker Pass, let the shareprice hit $50/share sell and never look back. My investments after LAC are SWBI, MO a candle light producers. 


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