Message: $545M on the balance sheet

Great Spread Sheet,APX!   Thanks for all of that hard work. Sharing that with the rest of us was indeed an act of selflessness.  We all appreciate it.


One minor note, though.  I know it is common on other message boards to mention the size of one's stake in a particular investment.  It is hard to resist the pride of ownership in something you believe in, however on other Agoracom boards it has become somewhat customary to not mention the particular specifics of one's investment in terms of share size or dollar size.  It isn't a particular "rule" and it isn't universally observed, but generally it is not mentioned.

There is a reason for that reluctance to give specifics about the size of one's LAC investment.  

By practicing that reluctance to reveal those specifics it encourages all Agoracom members on a particular Hub to speak with equal weight, or reasonably equal weight, regarding their information they provide and in respect to their individual opinions.  The guy or gal with 5,000 shares ( or 500 LAC shares ) should be provided an equal footing in respect to both information he or she provides  in regard to LAC compared to someone who owns 100,000 shares.  Our individual goal is the same:  to make a profit off our investment.

I can't stop anyone from revealing the extent of their own ownership in LAC, but I can point out that there might be an effect in doing so that is not amenable to your original intent.  Besides, what is a "Large" investment for one member of this Hub, might be chicken feed for another and vice versa.

  My opinion:  focusing on how many shares another member has vs how many you have is a big mistake.  Best way to prevent it is to just keep that information to yourself.  

Think of any friends you may have had in the past who just purchased a new luxury car and couldn't wait to tell anyone within shouting distance just how much they paid for it!  It is done, no doubt about it, but it may also convey a little bit of the element of swagger in the process to anyone who has less shares.

We are all in this for the same reason and we are all going to benefit this year from a combination of forces well itemized by each of you in your recent posts and predictions. 

Just speaking for myself, and not in any "official" capacity, I don't want to know how many shares you have or share that information with you about me.  I just wish you each and all a very successful ROI with your investment in LAC.     Okiedo


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