Message: Thacker Pass on Vice News Tonight



"It's also difficult to take someone seriously when their solution to a "greener" world is to tell everyone that they need to go back to walking and living primitively."


And that isn't half the story about the Deep Green Resistance.  If you haven't seen my 17 May 2021 post over on the "Off Topic" Forum about DGR and its co-founder, Max Wilbert, then you might want to use it as a starting point to research further how extreme are the tenets and teachings of Mr. Wilbert and company and DGR.  They are not your average, every day "Environmentalist Activists".  They separate themselves from that group and consider those who banter about using paper straws and recycling trash as being ineffective raucous wannabees who will never achieve their goals due to a lack of commitment to take more extreme measures.  They promote themselves as being a step up from the rest of environmentalist rabble and picture themselves as more like soldiers in the cause of extreme environmentalism.  

A very brief visit to the DGR site quickly conveys the extent of their extremism and so a complete perusal of all of their propaganda isn't required to envision quickly what type of ideology is being taught by DGR.  Be sure to check out their website for yourself, if you haven't done so already.

Just remember that the DGR doesn't truly represent the legitimate concerns of the residents of Humboldt County who might have reason to oppose the Thacker Pass Project.  They are opportunists with a cause and looking for anyone who can be turned to their viewpoint when sharing, in part, some commonality.  Their view, however, is global and not restricted to the real issues at Thacker Pass.



Re: My commentary on: "Thacker Pass Dispatches: Sustaining Profits, Not the Planet"  posted on the Off Topic Forum, 17 May 2021.

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