Message: A tangled web has been woven

Steve over on TOB had an interesting speculation and posted:  "Since some of the other Lithium Jrs are down today that are much further behind on their permitting (like CYP.V), my guess is that some of those investors jumped ship onto LAC."

I think Steve's take is that President Biden's reference to lithium mining projects already in the works suggests that possibly those projects far along might be given more freedom to advance as opposed to earlier projects that will be discouraged and prevented from continuing to develop.  In that respect then possibly LAD has some modicum of advantage since the ROD has been approved.  Anyway, Steve apparently sees it as an advantage for Cypress and for LAC and suggests that support for those Juniors who have more recently initiated the process of transitioning from "Development" to "Production" find themselves as the more undesireable late entries to the race and that companies like Cypress and LAC, who started earlier, are the benefactors.  Maybe he is right.  It is too early to tell, since we don't have any specific word from the Biden Administration targeting Nevada Lithium/LAC's Thacker Pass.

I find the changing headlines about Biden's support or lack of support for lithium mining in the U.S. to be "interesting":

Exclusive: Biden campaign tells miners it supports domestic production of EV metals | Reuters

President Biden to boost US mining, green energy metals - MINING.COM

In that 2nd link above is an interesting paragraph:  "Biden has said he’d back bipartisan efforts to foster a domestic supply chain for lithium, copper, rare earths, nickel and other strategic materials that the US imports from China and other countries."


On 29 January, 2021, Mother Jones published an interesting article that appeared to show a somwhat positive attitude of the new, at that time, Biden Administration toward domestic mining and even specific positive statements toward domestic mining of lithium:

Biden Takes Charge on Climate—But What About Mining? – Mother Jones

Some snipets from that article of particular interest:

"But on the same day, in the Senate confirmation hearing for Energy Secretary nominee Jennifer Granholm, a more complex side of the clean energy revolution was under discussion: mining. Granholm repeatedly said that she supports ramping up U.S. mining to help meet the demand for raw materials required to make the batteries that power electric vehicles and store renewable electricity.

“We are missing a massive opportunity for our own security, but also for a market for our trading partners who may want to have access to minerals that are produced in a responsible way,” Granholm, the former Michigan governor, told the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. “We know we can mine in a responsible way.”

Granholm said as much during her confirmation hearing.

“We don’t want to be under the thumb of China or other countries that may have in it their geopolitical strategic interest to corner the market for minerals,” Granholm said.

She added, “I think these minerals can be mined in a responsible way, in a way that respects the environment.”

That would be news to many environmentalists and community advocates in the places where companies have sought to start new mining."


Then, of course, we have the latest statements about domestic lithium mining coming out of the Biden Administration as noted in the link below.  Which statement by President Biden is the "operative" statement.  Operative being the Potomac Shuffle double talk way of saying:  What is the truth... now.  Emphasis being on: "now"!!  Here is the more recent view from the Potomic Shuffle and Kerfuffle:

In a blow to US mining, Biden plans to source metals for electric vehicles from other countries (

In the above link I came across a particularly insightful paragraph about the reporting transmogrification from a professional "journalist" as follow:

"Interestingly, the exact same Reuters reporter who wrote the story claiming Biden will not support domestic mining for EV materials wrote the story “signaling last autumn” that Biden would support domestic mining for this purpose. American Experiment called “BS” on that bluff, as it unraveled, and it appears our skepticism was vindicated."

The journalist for those 2 articles in opposition to each other: Ernest Scheyder


"Biden’s decision to rely on imports, rather than permit mining domestically, will hit states like Minnesota, Alaska, Arizona, and Nevada the hardest and make American dependent upon foreign nations for the minerals we use everyday."

Howver, if "Steve", on TOB, is correct and somehow this new policy ( face? ) on the part of the Biden Administration actually turns out to be a boon for LAC because of its status as an earlier entry into the development process of proposed domestic supplied lithium then that would indeed be a feather in the cap of Nevada Lithium and LAC.  Today's increase in share price might suggest such a progression of events, but stay tuned for tomorrow and another twist on this long, long story.

My what a tangled web we weave!!     Okiedo


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