Message: Motion for Preliminary Injunction

OK, guys.  You are both, Pavel and WB DT, fundamental to this Hub.  I definitely see some elements of an apology here on the part of Pavel, but both of you live on the edge and there has been a considerable element of rivalry for some time.  

My true hope is that the two of you can bury the hatchet and move forward since you are both interested in making an ultimate profit from the success of LAC in the future, as are all of the other members of this Hub.

The core of the matter is that this Hub needs the strengths of both of you in order to continue.  I can't imagine that this Hub could continue without the substantial benefits that both of you provide in your talents for research and finding facts that none of the rest of us discover.

Pavel, your talent is more in the realm of being a skeptic and looking for that "dark side", but in the process you often rub folks the wrong way, intentional or otherwise.  WB DT, you are easy to rattle or so it appears Pavel has discovered.  Pavel's language and cultural difference from what many or most of the rest of us have shared growing up in the U.S. or Canada can indeed exacerbate perceived afronts to our sensibilities at times and then there is his ability to refocus us away from an over exhilaration response to some temporary and fleeting positive news that brings us back to reality.

You both have immense value to this Hub, just in ways that are dissimilar in method and style.

Of course you two will disagree on the interpretation of future events as those events relate to LAC, lithium mining, lithium production and lithium products.  I propose that those sometimes opposing views presented civilly in this forum, provide a net positve benefit for the rest of the readers here and that it is extremely important for both of you to continue your contributions here and, for that matter, elsewhere as well.

Just my opinion.  My hope is that your rivalry will both continue and be "friendly" at the same time.

I suggest that if that is not the case on a specific matter, or on all matters, that you entertain using the PM communication for future breaches in etiquitte. I believe that all of the members and readers here look forward to your future contributions here where that etiquette constraint is given due respect.


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