Message: Re: Cool Option Activity
Aug 30, 2021 10:25AM
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Sep 02, 2021 01:59PM

Jimmyll:  "Here's an exercise if your so inclined: Say I sold a Sept. LAC $22.50 covered call this morning and got paid $.45. That's 2% in just over 2 weeks. 

My question would be what scenario would have to occur for this to be an unlimited loss?"


Clifford:  "With all due respect.... is this Trading Options 101 or a hub for conversation on LAC in particular?  Isn't there an Off Topic Forum for this options trading brattle?"


It appears, in retrospect, that what started this controversy about an LAC Option trading strategy was that I was "so inclined" as Jimmyll put it.  


Cal:  "Clifford with all respect- it is OK to discuss trading and options as long as it is  about LAC."


OK, everyone had good points, including Clifford's inquirey as to the appropriateness of discussing Options on the LAC Agoracom Hub.

My viewpoint on the issue of whether or not LAC Option trading discussions are appropriate on this Hub:

Of course they are appropriate!  We have all types of investors and traders here on this Hub and some who both do long term and/or short term LAC investing and Option trading.  I believe Cal nailed the salient point when he grouped trading ( I am assuming Cal was referring to buying and selling LAC shares) and options ( Option trading of LAC ) together as a proper realm of discussion here on the LAC Agoracom Hub.

On the other hand, Clifford also has a valid point.  It would be easy to expand the subject to a general discussion of option trading and to that charge I must plead "Guilty".  

I expanded the topic away from the limited example that Jimmyll presented with a specific LAC related example to a more general discussion of Options in so far as the potential for loss with some types of Option trading.  I should have, in retrospect, followed Jimmyll's suggestion and answered that portion of the inquiry with a PM.  Clifford was right to caution against an expansion beyond the scope of a relationship only to LAC trading of stock or buying and selling of Options.

My sincere apology to all or any who might have been offended by my expansion of the subject matter.

As for some type of definition of what is and isn't appropriate for discussion:  In general, the subject should be limited to LAC, lithium mining, lithium processing, lithium products and the supply and marketing of lithium. 

Exceptions?  Sure.  When I or another member welcomes a new member to the Hub then that would be one type of exception.  Friendly, and I really mean friendly, teasing of one member by another is another area that I usually let "slide".  The goal here is to make sure that this Hub doesn't degenerate into the free for all character assassination exchange that goes on daily on other message boards, not just on "TOB", but on so many other financial message boards. 

It was never up to one person to set that tone.  There has always been the monitoring of this message board by an Agoracom Administrator and now, thankfully, we have the input of 3 additional "Hub Leaders" to try to the best of their abilities to see that the "6 Rules" are adhered to... not so much rigidly as it is just being faithful to assuring a respectful atmosphere for exchanging similar AND different views is obtained and maintained regarding LAC, lithium mining, lithium products, lithium processsing and the supply and marketing of lithium.

Thanks Clifford, Cal and Jimmyll for your posts.  There are many Option traders here on this Hub.  Your posts about specific LAC Option trading scenarios are welcome.  Please don't make my mistake and expand the topic beyond the secenarios that have a specific LAC reference and application.  Those can be done, as Clifford has correctly suggested, via PM or even by direct email exchange if desired by both parties.

Thanks to all and Congratulations to All LAC Bull investors and traders of both stock and Options.  What an exciting LAC trading day!  Now THAT is something we can all agree on.  Here is hoping tomorrow shows only a continuation of positive news in regard to LAC.


Sep 02, 2021 04:09PM

Sep 02, 2021 04:23PM
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