Message: Dec 1 permits meeting notes

The following summary of last night's meeting is courtesy of my son-in-law, another strong LAC supporter. 

"Purpose of meeting was for the NDEP to receive questions/ concerns re: reclamation and water permits.  They were not responding to these comments at the meeting, but will respond in writing over the coming weeks. 

~30 minute presentation followed by a public comment period, where each participant would be entitled to up to 4 mins to speak if they wish. 

When I checked the list there were 75 people on the call. 

Public comment period for reclamation permit ended at the conclusion of last night’s meeting. 

Public comment period for water permit has been extended until Dec 8 because some people complained that 30 day comment period should not have included the thanksgiving weekend. 

Expected permit issuance date for both permits is Dec 16 (they are not bound to this date).   The reason it takes them so long is they will provide detailed and thorough answers to all relevant concerns that are addressed over the comment period. 

NDEP representative: “Lithium Nevada was/is able to answer all of our questions acceptably” 

Total land disturbance of 3144.5 acres (including roads, buildings, etc)

The comment period is required by law in NV for water permits, but it is not required for reclamation permits.  The only reason they are doing it this time around is because of public interest. 

As we already know: LAC will not be permitted to mine below the water table. This is the case because of state laws - which is why it is slightly different from what was presented to the BLM. 

The NDEP went into great detail explaining the measures lithium NV will take to ensure water table is not disturbed. 

Water permits in NV are all zero discharge permits.  Zero tolerance for pumping pollutants of any kind (this is not going to be like Lake Springfield)

Detailed explanation of quarterly and ongoing compliance monitoring.  Lithium Nevada have agreed to these processes 100%

“We’ve determined the mine will meet requirements for both permits, that’s why we have announced our intent to issue both permits”

During the comment period, one person asked if they could give their 4 minutes of time to Max. The NDEP said ‘no’ ‘he gets 4 minutes like everyone else’ (paraphrasing)

Examples of questions that were posed (and we will get answers in writing): ‘if NV gets a severe drought in the future, would you ever adjust the permit?’

Max mentioned how someone “has told him it is a complex water table with perched aquifers”.     Max asked the NDEP to do what is right, not what is easy.    The NDEP tried to wrap him up (as they did with anyone going over 4 min) and Max said, “if you won’t stop this mine, the people will need to” (paraphrasing) 

One person called Lithium Nevada a genocide (which I personally found to be a little extreme). 

The NDEP dropped one call because it was just some people yelling “Land Back”.    The NDEP rep said “how are we supposed to put that on public record” 

IMO, most of the concerns had little to do with the permits themselves and had more to do with how indigenous peoples have been historically treated in the area. (However, the mine site is on public land, not reserve land). 

The meeting went for a little over 2 hours. 

NDEP was extremely professional and patient. 

The vast majority of people (myself included) responded with “no comment”

On MULTIPLE occasions, NDEP explained that they intend to issue permits upon completion of responding to concerns. 

Multiple people threatened to protest and block mining. 

… now we wait….  Dec 16 can’t come soon enough for me"

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