Message: Re: Not good.

Mar 08, 2022 09:11AM
Mar 08, 2022 01:20PM

JDubski: "I think okiedo is spot on regarding the nationalization issue."

Thanks, JD, but after I reread my own comment I came to realize that it was more one step forward and two steps backward since one might interpret it to focus on just how bad LAC's position is in regard to the risk of its mining properties in Argentina.

Certainly I did want to draw attention to the fact that there is, and remains, considerable political risk in just being in Argentina.  However, the counter argument about the possibility of strong financial rewards is also a viable position for anyone to take, especially for an investor in LAC to offer.

My intent in my post, an intent not clearly achieved by any means, was to argue that when you compare the risks for LAC to achieve financial success in both the short and the long term window in these two different geographical and political locations then it appears that there is considerable less risk for a mining location here in the U.S.  Of course, that is with the assumption that the Thacker Pass Project is both approved and implemented to completion.  That is quite an assumption and only time will see if it takes on the label of "Fact" or "Fiction".

I did want to point out that there are numerous factors in Argentine political, military and economic history that may cause significant problems for LAC along the line.  With that premise, if valid, then it seems just plain good sense for LAC to separate into two separate entities so that thee one does not jeopardise the success of the other.

Anyone reading that previous post might easily label its author with the epithet of "Debbie Downer" regarding LAC.  That wasn't my intent, but I can easily see how that might be the effect on someone else reading that musing. 

My concern over how that post might be judged could easily be a very, very mute point in consideration that at the end of the day LAC share price was UP $2.21 USD to close at $26.06 USD and that the after market share price was up even further at an additional $2.06.

Nothing succeeds like success, so whatever Jon Evans is doing it looks like that for today, at least, the market is viewing his actions and inactions with a big dollar sign of approval.  What a difference a day makes, sometimes, eh?

I look forward to seeing LAC back up at $42 a share or higher.  My belief is that IF Mr. Evans separates the two operations, one in the U.S. and the second one in Argentina, that we will indeed see that $42 a share and higher.  Just an opinion.  Not a fact....yet.

Thanks, JDubski!





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