Message: Re: “Breakup is really about China”

 Thanks, WB DT, for your input.  I had not previously viewed LAC's split presentation.  Nice to know.  As for Dr. Yuan Gao, what matters as far as the Loan goes will be the perception of the D.O.E.  Yes, he did receive his advanced education in Canada and in the U.S., but his BSc was at the University of Science and Technology of China and there is that significant link to China where he joined Pulead Teachnology in May 2014 and served as its President and CEO until September 2019 and where he further served as Vice Chairmen of the Board of Directors.

Perception will be key regarding the final disposition of that D.O.E. Loan.  At least we should have the answer from D.O.E. before much longer.  The fact that Dr. Yuan Gao doesn't have any ties, as far as we know, officially with Ganfeng Lithium should be a plus.  Another factor is that the decision about the D.O.E. loan will be made before the 2024 election and that is in favor of LAC.

It remains very difficult, I am certain for all LAC investors here on this message board, to see the share price flounder around $20-21 USD, especially in view of the fact that some of us, myself definietely included, took it for granted that the share price would "Fly" if Judge Du renedered a decision in favor of LAC.  For myself, it seems in retrospect that "good news" regarding LAC seems to associate itself anymore with a downard dip or, at best, a stagnation of the share price.

So, we have gone from a significant anticipatory period regarding what Judge Du would "do" followed up with the negative growth of the share price to the present situation where we are anticipating the achievement at Cauchari-Olaroz of production finally of "Battery Grade" lithium carbonate, the cleaving of the perceptive bond between LAC North and LAC South, the achievement of full production at Cauchari-Olaroz and the 2026 completion of Thacker Pass.

All of the members of this message board have been on the LAC train long enough to realize fully that this train moves in accordance with the actual arrival times achieved by the Amtrak trains in the United States and not with the on time trains found in both Europe and in China.  Anyuone who has ridden on an Amtrak train here in the U.S. has experienced the long delays and the arrival times in fact way beyond the published time of arrival.  That is the same experience we have had with arrival times published by LAC, times achieved "eventually", but never coincidental with the times previously published by the company.  Delay has been the rule rather than the exception, so as far as the 2026 Thacker Pass ribbon cutting ceremony goes, my advice is simple:  don't bet money on it.  On the other hand, my wishful thinking side of my mind hopes that the 2026 goal for Thacker Pass will be the exception to the rule regarding finish line dates prognosticated by LAC.

Best wishes to all LAC investors.  This train, like Amtrak, moves forward with starts and stops that are anticipated and unanticipated, but so far it still moves forward.  Something like a ship on the ocean moving slowly and carefully through the FOG.






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