Message: Article in SA.

Cal, Fastmarkets prognostication of an oversupply of lithium until sometime in 2026 seems to stand in contrast to the article 4 days ago in Market Watch touting a tightening of lithium supply:

Lithium supply may tighten in the years ahead, driving prices higher along with it (

I guess you can find one or more Gurus to agree with any opinion when it comes to investing, regardless of whether that opinion prognosticates a drop in market price of some commodity or, to the contrary, an increase in that same market price.

So, the question is:  Which Guru speaks with "Forked Tongue" and which Guru speaks with presience and veracity?

The battle of the "Experts", so to speak. 

My own  view:  It isn't over till the Fat Lady sings and she hasn't even stepped up  to the microphone yet or cleared her throat.  

It is clear that at least one of these "Experts"  is wrong, but which one?


Best to all LAC investors.

What a hardy and persistent battle hardened group we are.

 Onward through the "Fog" of expert opinion, rumor and all the  other vicissitudes of "retail investing"



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