Message: Regarding JDubski

Here is my "guess" on what happened. 

I suspect that someone filed a complaint against JD and that responded by removing all of JD's posts and disallowing his further participation as to posting here on Agoracom. 

 Every member of this Hub is aware of the character of JD's prolific informational posts in the past here and elsewhere.  We all know his previous contributions have contributed to the goals of positive information exchange and that they always were in compliance with Agoracom's 6 Rules, however that doesn't inhibit , much less stop, "someone" filing a complaint that could be initially perceived as a "violation" of the 6 Rules.

This is all speculation on my part.  I have never heard any complaint by any of our Hub members against JD, either as posted on the Discussion Forum or by PM.  I have not been advised from Agoracom of any complaint against JD.

OK, so what would be JD's option if my theory of what happened is correct?

If someone falsely accused JD of a "violation" of the 6 Rules then he has the option of appealing to Agoracom for a review of the specifics regarding the so called "violation" and requesting a review of the matter in detail.  Knowing JD's past style of posting, as all members of this Hub know it, I would then predict that Agoracom heiarchy would conduct a fair investigation and come to the conclusison that the charge made was spurious and reinstate JD and, possibly, all of his prior posts.

In the unlikely case that the charge of a "violation" was then deemed legitimate by Agoracom then, of course, there would be no reinstatement and JD and all of his posts would be eliminated for good and the initial decision by Agoracom would stand.

I personally have the utmost faith in Agoracom's administration and believe that they would give a fair hearing and come up with a judicious review, but JD would have to request it.

OK, that is my theory, and I can only hope that if my theory is correct that JD reads my post and requests a review by Agoracom administration.

In my own experience with JD he has been an exemplary addition to this Hub and "elsewhere" he has also been one of the most respected members of another message board.  The only exceptions to sharing that respect for JD on that other message board would be a very few members there who routinely conduct themselves in a way that exhibits the most offensive personal attacks on a routine basis.  Those individuals constitute the very reason I personally came over to Agoracom in order to participate on a message board that provides both guidelines and rules to permit only a higher standard of respect by each member for the other members and thus engender the most amicable environment of any message board anywhere on the internet.  We truly are blessed to have Agoracom as a place to exchange ideas and information.  No other message board comes close to providing this personal attack free environment.  

JD, you are missed here on the LAC Hub.  Best of luck, whatever happens. 


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