Message: I plan on reporting you to AGORACOM ( from a post dated 14 October 2020 by Number4orr and my reply)



 "To the leader of this site I plan to report you to AGORACOM for rules voilations. 1 You have over the last months used this site in efforts to lie about the stock LAC. IE BASHING 2 You even stated you were doing so in a post. 3 A few times you have youself and in agreement with other posters claimed INSIDE INFORMATION one just this week. I will send the the posts in question to the managment This has be ongoing for a month or more now and is not a one post only issue but an ongoing pattern of not following the rules"


Ok, Number4orr.  I think your complaint deserves a reply.  First, I will list Rule #5 for reference:


5. BASHING OR HYPING - Unsubstantiated claims of grandeur or impending doom are best left to Nostradamus as they will cost you some valuable points towards your rating. Also included in this category is repetition of the same question, fact or opinion over and over after a response has been provided or if there is currently no ascertainable answer.


I hope that you have included specific examples to document your charge when you filed your complaint with  I would never deny the right of any member to petition Agoracom with a complaint that charges a Rules Violation, even if I am the one being charged with violating the Rules.  I have complete trust in management to adjudicate your complaint in a just fashion and make the corrrect decision as to the merit or lack of merit therein.  


I would hope that management, in its deliberation of your claim, takes notice that your membership on dates from 20 April 2020.  That is significant because it parallels with the approximate time when this particular Hub was first initiated with its first post.  The Hub existed prior to somewhere around 17 April 2020, but had not any posts prior to then.


I believe a thorough examination by Agoracom will show that this is at least your second attempt to sabotage this Hub via the complaint process.  It is quite interesting that you used the term "efforts to lie about the stock LAC" in your complaint.

Most, if not all, present and active members on this Hub have come from membership on TOB, a place where one particular "contributor" incessantly charges anyone who disagrees with him or her, whichever the case may be, with being a "liar".  That person's favorite word on TOB seems to be: "liar" and he or she uses it in a redundant and never ceasing cacophony against all who post anything not in line with his or her observations and pronouncements. The lack of punctuation and the phrasing patterns used in the above complaint appear very similar to those of an individual from TOB with whom all members are are quite familiar. I believe that it is abundantly clear that Number4orr and that person on TOB are identical individuals and that his or her chief

purpose is to promote LAC in such a fashion as to deny any critical information about LAC and to furthermore deny anyone else the right to post anything that doesn't assimilate into a pattern that is most correctly labeled by more circumspective students of Lithium Americas as "Pumping".  


Thankfully, the format allows members with a fully positive view of LAC and those who have an overall positive view intertwined with a judicious sense of the circumspective to meet and exchange their divergent opinions in a genuinely amicable forum with respect for each others different viewpoints and in distinct contrast to the intolerant atmosphere so prevalent currently on TOB.  It is that very intolerance that on TOB that has engendered the existence and the growth of this Hub here on Agoracom.  We all value in great measure the better air quality found on this forum and we remain in debt to Agoracom for its existence and the respite it provides.


It is my opinion, that you have tried to destroy that amicable environment once before and that again you have the same goal in mind.  That is only my opinion and I would hope that my opinion is completely in error. I will leave that up to Agoracom management to determine, but I would hope that they would view my previous posts on this forum through that very lens of the 6 Rules before passing judgement.


That lens, if it is applied fairly, should gravitate towards seeking out any incidence where I have assumed "grandeur" or where I have prognosticated "impending doom", as delineated in Rule #5.


Please feel free to post those accusations here as well, although I would request that you take this over to the Off Topic Forum on this Hub where you and I can trade further posts until the matter is resolved so as not to clog up the Discussion Forum with unrelated matters.  Be advised that I am considering banning you from this Hub in the near future, however I want to first give a decent amount of time to take your charge seriously.  


A note to the other members of this Hub:  Please do not reply to myself or to "Number4orr" on the Discussion Forum.  Any reply should go to this subject over on the Off Topic Forum.  I will start that thread over there with a copy of this note for reference.




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