Message: My commentary on: "Thacker Pass Dispatches: Sustaining Profits, Not the Planet"


It should be abundantly clear as to why I am placing this reply to one of my earlier posts again on the "Off Topic" Forum.  It isn't a subject that is going to gain the focus of the average LAC investor or potential LAC investor, but it is one that provides more in depth information about a potential thorn in the side of LAC for developing Thacker Pass. 

I would hope that LAC directs their counter efforts not so much at Mr. Wilbert and the DGR organization, but instead at those ranchers and native peoples who actually live adjacent and in juxtaposition to the proposed Thacker Pass Nevada Lithium mine site. 

Mr. Wilbert and his DGR are there only as a miniscule part of a much wider agenda and it is my purpose in this post to show his involvement and the involvement of the DGR as what it is, only peripheral to the future of Thacker Pass and to all the residents of Humboldt County, Nevada. The success of Thacker Pass depends on LAC taking a "Negotiating" stance toward dealing with those who will truly be affected as neighbors to the Thacker Pass mine.  LAC should never abandon the desire to be a good neighbor as has been claimed as one of the goals by the CEO of Nevada Lithium, Alexi Zawadzki.

Wilbert and the DGR do not represent the best interests of Humboldt County residents and their presence at Thacker Pass is part of their larger "plan" of dismantling industrial society.  Don't believe that?  Well, read the words from DGR and Max Wilbert for yourself.  I only ask that you keep an open mind, because he and the DGR have taken no steps to obscure their true purpose.

Just a little update info on Mr. Max Wilbert.  Max Wilbert is a co-founder of the Deep Green Resistance, the co-author of "Bright Green Lies" and the Editor of the Deep Green Resistance News Service.

This isn't just a run of the mill "not in my back yard" group of self proclaimed saviors of the environment.  The intent and goals of Mr. Wilbert and his confederates at the Deep Green Resistance ( They like the acronym:  DGR ) and at the Deep Green Resistance News Service includes such statements as:

"The Underground Action Calendar exists to publicize and normalize the use of militant and underground tactics in the fight for justice and sustainability. We include below a wide variety of actions from struggles around the world, especially those in which militants target infrastructure, because we believe this sort of action is necessary to dismantle civilization."

Ok, pretty strong stuff, eh?  Well, don't take my word for it.  See the link below found on the website for the DGR: 

Underground Action Calendar - Deep Green Resistance News Service (

So, how does the DGR skirt the reality of legality in promoting the sort of actions that are "necceary to dismantle civilization"?  This is done through some verbiage that I am sure Mr. Wilbert considers to be clever subterfuge, although the attempt to hide its purpose is superficial at best:

 "Listing an action does not necessarily mean we support or stand behind the goals, strategies, or tactics of those actionists.

This page highlights specific actions. See also our Resistance Profiles for broader information on the strategies, tactics, goals, and effectiveness of various historic and contemporary resistance groups."


If that one didn't get your attention then the header on this piece from the Deep Green Resistance News Service attribute to Max Wilbert should rouse you from even the deepest sleep:

"Conducting coordinated, small-scale sabotage over a widespread area could cripple the fossil fuel system with a minimum of expense, technical expertise, personnel and risk".

See the article: 

Max Wilbert and Derrick Jensen Discuss Deep Green Resistance (

If you can stand listening to the last 12 minutes of the video interview of Max Wilbert at the bottom of the link I listed above, then I would recommend to start at the 41 minute mark and I think you will readily see how he comes accross in an unsophisticated Freshman rambling style in his stated goal to dismantle the fossil fuel-based industrial infrastructure of the world.  At the very least, his interview points out a significant deficit in regards to any facility toward the art of public speaking.  

Going back to the DGR again, perhaps this quote will gain your attention:

"Decisive dismantling of infrastructure goes a step beyond systems disruption. The intent is to permanently dismantle as much of the fossil fuel-based industrial infrastructure as possible."

Mr. Wilbert and his associates believe that the bulk of the environmental protest movement is way, way too tame to ever effect much of the aims of the environmental movement and that more militant methods are appropriate in the eyes of the DGR aficionados.  The DGR spells out their strategy as stated in their comments about "Decisive Ecological Warfare", or DEW as they choose to call it for short.  And that "DEW" doesn't include the doing nothing that they perceive is the shame of the more tame members of the environmental protest movement.  They separate themselves from anyone who proclaims to be an environmental protestor but is not willing to engage in more extreme measures.

Read about the DGR's "Decisive Ecological Warfare" agenda:

Decisive Ecological Warfare | Deep Green Resistance

Not convinced of the danger of this group?  Well, then maybe you should read "The Deep Green Resistance Book".  Just a smidgen of quotes from that tome follow:

" I believe in breaking the law because the edifice is supported by a federal constitution that upholds a corrupt arrangement of power. It was written by white men who owned white women as chattel and black men and women as slaves, and those powerful men wrote it to protect their power. We have no moral obligation to respect it; quite the opposite. I also believe we will need to bring the whole edifice down or I wouldn’t be a coauthor of this book."


“Violence” is a broad category and we need to be clear what we’re talking about so that we can talk about it as a movement. I would urge the following distinctions: the violence of hierarchy vs. the violence of self-defense, violence against people vs. violence against property, and the violence as self-actualization vs. the violence for political resistance. It is difficult to find someone who is against all of these. When clarified in context, the abstract concept of “violence” breaks down into distinct and concrete actions that need to be judged on their own merits. It may be that in the end some people will still reject all categories of violence; that is a prerogative we all have as moral agents. But solidarity is still possible, and is indeed a necessity given the seriousness of the situation and the lateness of the hour. Wherever you personally fall on the issue of violence, it is vital to understand and accept its potential usefulness in achieving our collective radical and feminist goals."


You can read the book for yourself if you want to see the full story, but it goes on endlessly in it's extreme style and condemnation of Western Civilization.  In short, it is boring and written in a style commensurate with a Math major at a Junior College writing a piece in a required English Composition class just to get the dang thing done and over with so he or she can get back to their Calculus assignment, but in the process their condemnation of Western Society becomes an unplanned for obsession that he or she can not turn loose. 

My guess would be that Ted Kaczynski went through a  similar "creative process" when he put together his "Industrial Society and its Future" Manifesto.  There appear to be parallels in what Kaczynski hoped to accomplish and what the DGR professes as its own goals, but take a look at the DRG website and come to your own conclusion.

My point in exposing all of this absurdity from the DGR?  The DGR and Max Wilbert are the driving force behind a large portion, not all, of the Stop Thacker Pass movement. I don't question the fact that there exist members of the Stop Thacker Pass Project that have nothing remotely in alignment with the overall global goals of the DGR and that share only those goals of the DGR that are specific in their application limited to Thacker Pass and preventing the development of LAC's Nevada Lithium establishment of a producing lithium mine at Thacker Pass, but that being the case Mr. Wilbert has a much broader view of the world that is clearly spelled out in his voluminous prose and exposes his "action" plan for the future. 

I believe it is imperative to keep in focus both the narrow effort of the DGR and Max Wilbert in relationship to Thacker Pass in addition to the broader aims of both the DGR and Max Wilbert viz a viz their intent to act on their statmennt: "we believe this sort of action is necessary to dismantle civilization". 

Never forget the types of methods that the DGR has professed will be needed and utilized in pursuit of their goals.

Mr. Wilbert and the DGR may give new meaning to the phrase "Environmental Wackos", but that is no reason to discount the way that they themselves represent their goals and methods.


"If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Sun Tzu
Just my opinion,  Okiedo
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