Message: I think most regulars on this forum also monitor TOB

OK, back to try and put together a semblance of an earlier post today that either disappeared or I just blew it and forgot to press the "Submit" button.  Either way, it is embarrasing.

rkeeb commented on the Discussion Forum:  " I think most regulars on this forum also monitor TOB "

Of course we all follow TOB and will continue to do so.  There are some excellent posts over there, many of them by the same folks who post over here on the Agoracom LAC Hub.  Then, of course, there are also the other kinds of posts over there that have limited, if any, positive value and there are all of the cartoons that mostly have nothing to do with LAC or lithium but serve as an outlet for the poster's sense of humor, good and bad.

I appreciate the fact that you guys post on both message boards.  I think that there will always be a need for both message boards since there is a huge difference in how these two separate boards are monitored and managed.  There seems to be almost no standards exercised over on TOB vs the "6 Rules" we all agree to over here on this Hub.  It is those 6 Rules that provides a forum where we can agree to disagree in a civil and respectful fashion, something that is definitely lacking on TOB.  It is the focus that you all have here on this Hub on informed opinion and on providing researched information for our readers that differentiates the two different message boards and will continue to do so in the future.  There is a "place" for both approaches.  The free wheeling and undisciplined atmosphere on one allows for verbal assault and personality outlets that would not be allowed on the other and for some folks that saloon like atmosphere is the only one that provides them with reward and comfort, while on the other hand a more serious approach to opinion and information sharing on the LAC Agoracom Hub is the ver quality that brought you here in the first place in order to express your posts in a place where you would not be branded as a "liar" simply because your opinion might differ in the smallest or greatest respect from whatever opinon was being held by the loudest and most obnoxious member of the message board at the time.

We all needed a place to post and exchange ideas and information without all of the Soap Opera and Police Gazette type atmosphere we found elsewhere and Agoracom has provided that place for all of us where we can agree to agree or agree to disagree in a civil exchange of opinions and expressions.  Thanks, Agoracom!

Anyway, far from asking anyone not to post on TOB, I would encourage everyone to post and read on both message boards.  There is one "however", though.  I see some great posts on TOB that are not always posted by those same folks over here.  Many of them do get double posted and I hope that you will all take a moment and post your best output here as well as on TOB.  We do see lots of posts now that are posted on both forums, but occasionally we don't get that same excellent post over here by those of us, probably all of us, who post on both boards.

There are those who read the message boards only.  I wouldn't be surprised if there are those who read one board and not the other.  In the case of those who read posts here on Agoracom and not the posts over on theTOB they will not see some of the best productions by members here if those posts don't also show up here.

Just words of what I hope is encouragement, for all of you to continue to share your best posts on both message boards.  One last thing:  Once again I appeal to the Hub Leaders to make full use of your post as a Hub Leader and feel free to add links over on the Link Library.  One more thing of note to the Hub Leaders:  Jeff C. is our Agoracom Administrator.  If you have any problems here on this Hub, including any problem with me, then you should contact Jeff and express that concern to him.  I have found him to be very fair and extremely helpful.  If it is a minor problem and I am not the focus of that problem then run it by me first and see if i can help.  If it is a big problem then take it over to Jeff.  I don't think that should be a common occurence and you don't want to flood him with essentially small stuff, but I do think it is important that you know he has been a huge help with past problems.

Onward through the FOG!   Okiedo

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