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Message: Re: Financing????? China National Complete Plant to build plant in Congo

Crazy, a difference this time around is that that 70 cent ceiling is no longer in place. So far, we are drifting into the mid 50s, but there was a lot of volume in the upper 50s. What i am hoping is that we will have a few catalysts--PIA getting passed, capex going down etc. There are a lot of technical financing issues that are over my head, but I find it intersting that MAA is trying to get the whole 1.2 million out there instead of 600K and then 600K.

Listening to the conference call, MAA emphasized that they were looking for MAA to be revalued, and they are betting it will go up. The market, so far, is unconvinced. But it sure would be nice to get out of the 50s. Until we get something concrete, we are indeed playing the same waiting game. I fear that we will retrace to the low 50s again.

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