A gold and base metal company with focus on the Timmins mining camp

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Melkior Presents a Three-Dimensional Model of its Carscallen Gold Project, West Timmins Gold District, Ontario

42 minutes ago


MKR.V 0.08 0.00

Ottawa, Ontario CANADA, November 29, 2011 /FSC/ - Melkior Resources Inc. (MKR - TSX Venture), is pleased to present a three-dimensional model of the main mineralized zones on its 100% owned Carscallen property. The model was built by Terrane Geoscience Inc. in collaboration with Geovector Management Inc., based on a compilation of drill holes as well as surface data (including elevation, structural geology and trenches). The main objective was to integrate all the data into a three-dimensional view to better understand the gold distribution and to deduce its possible source.

This press release presents a series of cross-sections and proposed holes for a future drilling program that will test deeper targets based on the three-dimensional model and geological interpretation.

ZamZam Zone

According to the model, the ZamZam gold-bearing vein system is continuous to a depth of 320 metres, and is exposed at surface over more than 300 metres. The average thickness of the ZamZam mineralized zone is approximately 5 metres. Secondary vein systems occur sub-parallel to the ZamZam main corridor and have been intersected locally at ~ 200 metres vertical depth. These zones are open at depth, thus the potential remains to find a deeper source rock (see discussion below). Figure 1 shows a cross-section of the ZamZam area and displays the known mineralized zones and their possible extensions as well as a proposed hole to test their continuity at depth.

At depth, a quartz porphyry dyke occurs and it seems to be parallel to the mineralized system; however, the genetic contribution has not been demonstrated.

To view the map associated with Figure 1: Cross-section of the ZamZam Zone showing the best gold occurrences, projected up to 25 m onto section, please click on the following link:


Shenkman Zone

Several sub-parallel mineralized zones have been encountered in the Shenkman area, all similar in composition (i.e. pyrite, quartz-pyrite, and pyrite-carbonate veins, hosted in granite or in underlying mafic volcanic rock). However, the grade and thickness varies. In holes where the mineralized zones are hosted in mafic volcanic rocks, ankerite and sericite alteration are associated and the gold intersections are generally wider than those hosted in granite. The same features also occur at ZamZam where the mineralization is thicker where hosted in mafic volcanic rocks. At this stage of exploration only very limited drilling has tested the mafic rocks, which underlie the granite.

For the Shenkman area, the most significant zone is SHK-A (Figure 2), which contains several intersections >10 metres, including 5.10 g/t Au over 13.25 metres, 1.86 g/t Au over 12.00 metres and 4.84 g/t Au over 13.30 metres. Previous holes were not deep enough to intersect mineralized vein systems below the granite. Therefore, good potential remains at depth within the SHK-A zone. Proposed hole SHK-A1 is designed to intersect the zone below the granite - mafic volcanic rock contact (shown in figure 2 as a black dashed line).

To view the map associated with Figure 2: Cross-section of the Shenkman Zone showing the best gold occurrences, projected up to 25 m onto section, please click the following link:


Structural and 3D Model

An idealized and simplified block model shows the structural and geological evolution of the Carscallen property and the setting of the gold mineralized system. This simplified model is based on relative chronology derived from surface and drill core information. The gold clearly post-dated the different rock units, namely granite, mafic volcanic rock, iron formation and quartz porphyry dykes (Figure 3A).

The earliest episode of deformation (D1) observed in the field produced a North - South schistosity/cleavage fabric. Major veining/fracturing corridors (~N-S) were developed at a ~100 m intervals during this episode (Figure 3B). Auriferous fluids migrated into these developing North - South fractures from an unknown source which provided both sulphur and gold (the granite is barren in gold and sulphur; Figure 3C). A second deformation episode (D2) created East -West shear zones (from 1 to 30 metres wide based on core and surface data) with both dextral and sinistral displacement of few millimetres to several hundred metres. The different mineralized zones on the Carscallen property are interpreted to be shifted by these E-W shear zones (Figure 3D). This deformation episode is barren in gold.

To view the image associated with Figure 3, please click the following link:


Figure 3: Block model of the Carscallen gold system showing the structural evolution and the potential source rock at depth. Legend: Pink: granite; Green: mafic volcanic rock; Yellow: Quartz porphyry dyke; Black lines: fractures/vein system; Red lines: gold-bearing fractures/veins.

Future Work

The structural analysis and the integration of drilling data into a three-dimensional model have provided a better understanding of the fracture system that controls the gold mineralization. The known zones are all open at depth and most likely have a common source which could occur below the granite. The West Timmins area is known to have better gold intersections at depth. Drill holes have been proposed to extend the most significant zones (i.e. ZamZam and SHK-A; figures 1 and 2).

This Press Release was prepared by Dr. Eric Hebert, P.Geo and Dr. Tom Setterfield, P.Geo, both of GeoVector Management Inc, and Qualified Persons under National Instrument 43-101.

About Melkior:

Melkior is a junior exploration company with active exploration projects in West Timmins,the McFaulds "Ring of Fire" area and Long Lac of Ontario. Melkior also holds a 49% interest in the Delta Kenty nickel-copper-platinum-palladium deposit in Ungava and has several other gold properties in Ontario and Quebec.

For more information:

Melkior Resources Inc.

Tel: 613.721.2919

Fax: 613.680.1091

E-mail: melkior@rogers.com

Web: www.melkior.com

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To view this release as a webpage, please click the following link:


Source: Ressources Melkior Inc. (TSXV MKR) www.melkior.com

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