Great work fireguy and welcome to the board i too e-mailed Metanor asking about listing on another board but never heard back. I feel this is very important as most junior stocks are crooks and thieves who are only interested in self gain. While i know the management of Metanor wants to gain also they seem to be passionate about their work, what they have accomplished so far in such a short amount of time speaks volumes.
This is a great company with exponential potential i own alot of shares and put a stink bid in on 30 000 warrants today. If you didn't know they trade their warrants under the ticker mto.wt. Those warrants are due in 2012 at a dollar and currently are trading at .20 good long term investment. Smilley will laugh at me telling you this as i asked him where the logic was when he brought it up but i was talking more about the apparent bath he took selling his shares.