Welcome To The Metanor Resources HUB On AGORACOM

Metanor (MTO-V) is a new Canadian Gold Producer located in Quebec. It reached commercial production on December 1, 2013 and will produce 50,000 oz in calender 2014 with a present all-in cash cost of $1,018US.

Message: request for hub leader!

yixter that video is old news - if it's the one I'm thinking of it was Jessie not Serge being interviewed and Ron was there as well. $310/oz is old news...the company official mentioned a cash cost of $375 in their Oct 1st news release. Keep in mind that's cash cost not all-in cost. We have no idea what the all-in cost is...we need the financial statements for that. I'm hoping they'll be cash flow positive by the end of this quarter, but I've been told 1st quarter 09 is more realistic.

Some good news is they'll be getting about 4 million back from the Quebec government early next year.

Also - the grade is arould 4 grams/tonne not 7 grams/tonne. They're running the mill around 680tpd and producing 500oz/week... (4grams*680/31.1) *7*.90 = about 550oz/week.

Last I talked to Jessie he was interested in increasing the mill capacity next year so they could run lower grade (down to 2.5g/t) stuff through the mill without decreasing production... with a 1000tpd they could mill the 2.5g/t stuff and still produce 500oz/week. Of course, there's still plenty of ore well above that at Barry (hopefully even more then they know about) but why let the 2.5g/t stuff go to waste - especially if gold goes back up to 900-1000/oz.

Actually Jessie was talking about having essentially two seperate mills after the cone crusher. That way you could run high grade through one side while still milling the low stuff - it would also allow for custom milling of some high grade ore for other companies in the area.

I agree with you that the biggest impact to MTO's share price would be ozs added in the ground. 175,000 oz ind/inf at Barry isn't going to impress investors - although we know there's more ozs then that in the ground new investors do not... anyone looking at NI 43-101 resources for MTO will see a very small deposit. I see posters throwing all sorts of numbers around, but they have no clue now many oz there are at Barry... the company's plan is to prove up to 1 million oz, but anything at this point is speculation.

I've been in MTO for a while and I've currently watched half my investment evaporate, but I'm still confident that one day MTO will payoff significantly. We're in good hands with Serge and Jessie and the people they've put in place. For their sake and ours I hope gold is strong over the next few years.

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