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Message: Re: Slasher think big guy.

Dec 01, 2008 04:18AM

Livingthedream -

I am more than willing to admit that MEO has been a huge disapointment. However, I must agree with Black_blood (BB) that there is something odd about this board.

It seems that anyone who posts positive items about MEO is considered "mmgt." but anyone who posts negative comments is considered to be beyond reproach

I shall (once again) repeat my refrain - who benefits from these posts?

1) Why would the management of MEO take time to post on this forum? Do they have such delicate egos that they have to convince our membership of their good intentions? Are we that important? What is their benefit?

I doubt that they have delicate egos and that we are important to them. No benefit that I can see.

2) Why do some posters continually bash MEO? Do they have an overwhelming desire to save the "less intelligent" investors for buying this stock? Or, as has been suggested, they "profit" from their bashing by shorting the stock or buying shares on the cheap? What is their benefit?

Some sort of ego stroke for the first 2 reasons and obvious fiscal return for the latter.

Instead of this endless "ad homiem"attacks (forgive my latin if I am incorrect) let's stick to the facts (on both sides). Neither you nor Megratroyd are wining any "converts" by attacking the character of BB. And BB, you are starting to fall into the very trap of which you accuse Mergatroyd and Livingthedream (attacking the man not the principle).

BB has made some good points. Can you (or Megratroyd), point by point, calmly and factually refute them? Can all of you limit the discussion to where MEO is today instead of talking about what happened last year (or 2 years ago)?

This isn't Stockhouse. I came here to get away from that.

- Panamax

Dec 01, 2008 12:29PM
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