Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: For TTCCRR

Thank you to you and others who responded so cooperatively to my posts.  Apparently ttccrr is unable to respond beyond suggesting I "grow up and be an adult".  Apparently he doesn't understand how a discussion works, or an argument.  And most people see the word "argument" as a negative thing, while in reality it can be the basis of fruitful discussion (just have to keep it reasonably civil).  And an argument must have substance, and the not be the contradictory gang-saying of every proposition offered (a la Monty Python's "Arguing Room" - Is this the arguing room?  I told you once! No you didn't.  Yes I did.  No you didn't....  LOL). 

In response to Fatwollit:

1)  How are they bleeding us dry?  By getting rid of the warrants?  Please help me out here, 'cuz I just don't see it.  The dividends maybe? I've addressed that.....

4) I suggest that S&L looks at retail just as retail looks at them.  Their selling to convert IS frustrating, but a necessary evil for even near term success for all.  But they must recognize that IF they pissed off retail to any great degree, WE could sell en masse driving the PPS down below THEIR comfort level.  We have the capacity to hurt them MORE than they could hurt us.  And that, I'm sure, is why their selling to convert has been done in a very controlled fashion - so as not to piss US off (too much).  THEY have the capacity to hurt us as well, which is why I expended effort to squelch the ttccrr initiative to remove S&L from the BoD.  Piss them off too much or remove their limited ability to control, and they could pull the rug out from under us.  TTCCRR complains that we should be at a higher base (in anticipation of lift-off). Well, I'd rather be at a 40-something base than a 4 cent base. 

However, I also suspect that IF we clearly prevail in the Markman, file a motion for SJ, and the J2.5/ARM settle for big bucks (those $225-250M numbers from the AMS ring in my ears), it won't matter much where we're at now.  This thing should take off.  Risk virtually eliminated, 80 companies at the table, hundreds in contact, more hundreds on notice.  Settlement city.

I'm open to further discussion....  But we may be down to just differing opinions that won't change easily.

All JMHOs,


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