Sometime you add salt to a dish and it makes a good dish great and sometimes you add salt and its too salty so you need to throw it away or water it down.
The RS is similar soemtimes it works and sometimes it doesn;t the question is are we adding flavor at thr point of the cooking process or are we tryimng to save a dish that's gone bad by adding flavoring and hoping people won;t notice.
Those who have been burned by RS have probably been in the situation of trying to save a ruined dish and those of us who favor the RS have seen it added to the dish at just teh right time.
I believe that for PTSC many feel it's the right time while others are saying salt last time I added salt I had to throw the whole dish away.
Those of us who feel that a post settlemnt RS will be propitious since
it will (a) screw any naked shorters who need to gather the shares in for teh reorg, and (b) the share price of
5.00 or higher will allow Mony Managers to purchase the stock for their managed accounts and allow people to purchase on margin thereby bringing in many new buyers.
Remember most investors will not touch bulletin board stocks and almost every fund is prohibited from taking an inital position is a penny stock
The R/S will change all that to our collective benefit.
(p.s. I love this subject it's ine of the first worthwhile subjects we've discussed in the longest of times since it is based on intellect and not conjeture let's keep it going !!!!)