Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: News Monday? And General Consensus

Re: Milestone.... Banosser, you asked Milestone:

in response to by
posted on Dec 16, 2007 05:07PM

If settlement is realized when we are in such a position of strength, as you believe .. no threat of KSR/Obv, no threat from USPTO re exam, no threat of invalidity.. do you believe that with no court result in our hands, either by MSJ or jury verdict specifying infringement, that no other companies out there will force us back to court?? Do you believe they will all just roll over now and ask how much because TPL was fair and the Js settled?

My humble answer: Show Me the Money!!! lol

If we get the huge bucks we "should" get, I don't think there will be any problem~ (considering all else in the above pans out to be true i.e. KSR/Obv., USPTO) ~getting any of the other World Class names to come to the table.

TT&C are very very well known as will be "this case" IMO.

The ramifications and the huge ripple effect we are going to see goes very deep with our IP.

The only reason I bought this stock is because of "what the 336, the 148 and the 584" have done to CHANGE the microprocessor world. It still blows my mind when I think of how pervasive our technology is.

Back in the early 1980's I remember my ex (a computer engineer) bringing home a desk top computer for me to learn. It was SO SLOW and difficult to use that I lost interest. It wasn't until the mid 90's that I really got in to using a PC myself and I was amazed at the difference.

Someone on the Edig board said the MMP was not as pervasive as Edig's technology in that the MMP was only in Flash Memory products (or something to that effect........techie's please don't get annoyed if I got that kind of wrong, but the Word "Flash" was definitely in his post.......LOL).

I hope and pray that the world soon "understands" what our technology has done to change the computer world we live in.

Like I said, "still blows my mind" to think about it. I have faith in what these patents are purported to do and I have faith in the team defending the unique, genius of this technology.

Just google Fish and Moore if you have any doubts that these dudes are in the I.Q. Genius category.

Sure there "must" be a lot of Granted patents that should Never have been granted because of obviousness and if KSR makes the PTO and the Inventor dig deeper for prior art then that's a Good thing IMO.

If our experts and Judge Ward found the 336 and the 148 Solid..........I have the Utmost confidence that a PTO "examiner" will rule in the Judges and Alvin Despain's favor.

Who has more knowledge on the 336 and the 148, JW who has a IEEE degree and was a Patent attorney in private practice for a LOT of years, Alvin Despain (too much on this dude, just google him).....Roger Cook, also a IEEE degree:


A Government paid Patent office examiner? And with OVER $200 Million Bucks already garnered in licensing fees from 30 World Class companies, do you Really think the USPTO will "invalidate" our patents? Think again.

Yes, I realize that at any moment someone somewhere could find a smoking gun and blow the whole case out of the water.

Which brings me to another pet peeve: There should be a limit on How many times a patent be re-examined!

You may say, look what happened to Forgent right? Think again, apparently there was some shenanigans going on with Forgent management in that they "knew" prior art existed.

PTSC IMO is in a Whole other ball field.

Anyway, FWIW that's how I feel about where we are right now.

Great luck to you Ba and everyone here.


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