Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: a message from military book on December 21, 2007 08:16PM

You may miss ron, but I don't.  You and ron seem to be cut from the same cloth.  You both hate greeneyes and me.

If ron couldn't hold his own with either of us, that's his problem, not   mine (or greeneyes.)  What makes you consider him a god of some sort?  We have several competent attorneys on this board who do not demonstrate the arrogance that ron often did.  When their posts are written, they are easy to understand, to the point and are not rude or condescending. 

 In my opinion,  ron has never really left the board.      His wriing style has been seen here  many times.  (And being able to recognize writing style was something with which  both greeneyes and I have had a LOT of experience.)   He made us acutely aware of his disappointment with the naming of Jim Turley as CEO and in my opinion has been orchestrating the "Hate Jim Turley" symphony to whch we are subjected on a regular basis.   The contempt that he has shown for both greeneyes and me is closely related to his hatred for Turley.  Who this investor type was that you all seem to want so badly is a complete mystery, but I suspect that a particular individual is known to ron and is bitter about someone else being called upon by PTSC.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say things that have sticking in my craw for a long time.

How's that for an apology?


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