Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: I find it interesting that some post dd but leave out many important facts.
Jan 09, 2008 04:52AM
Jan 09, 2008 05:07AM

The biggest question I have is related to the huge outstanding share total and how it grew so large over the years

Stever... If you don't know the answer to that (wink).. you do need to do additional DD

As it is, the OS is what it is... but PTSC has been an active particpant in share buyback

Could things have been done differently in the past, that would have limited the current OS.. sure.. I, and many others, have made way too many posts to count over the yrs about this... but the fact is it is now a completely MOOT point. We can not go back and change it... So either you accept the OS, and be glad a minimum of 19 mil shares have been repurchased.. and look forward to Institutional buying and locking up a % of the float, or you stew.. don't sleep at night.. get ulcers & hemorrhoids.. nobody wants that.


--and thanks for reminding me...

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