Per the article referenced, DirectTv has about 16.2M subscribers. Using your logic regarding boxes (I have 4 by the way), let's say the average home has 3 boxes. At $5 per box, that's $15 per month or $180 per year times 16.2M equals $2.916B per year. Based on $1 in license fees per $1956 in annual revenue, that would equate to $1.49M in license fees.
That's actually less than the $6.73M number I'm accounting for as per my post to kiddtrader, I'm simply using averages based on overall revenues by a licensee. While I think Direct TV is likely to have paid less than $6.73M because the bulk of their fees are for the subscription to programming, not the sale or rental of MMP infringing equipment, I think someone else of the 13 licensees signed this quarter most likely paid more than I show. Playing the averages, should even out overall, and get more ane more accurate over time as more licensees are signed and values revealed.