on representative chips in regard to the J3 products that infriged.
they also said that they would have something like 10,000 charts done
before the trial. They were reverse engineering like crazy and they were
camping out in junk yards trying to get their hands on older technology
that they believed infringed.
So, in the final analysis, does anyone here believe that the J3 really
didn't infringe very much after all?
Does that make sense to anyone here?
It sure as H doesn't make sense to me. I HOPED they weren't waiting on
the USPTO as a contingency because I THOUGHT we had them by the
G's (sorry guys). lol BUT, with the little amount we "THINK" we got so far,
I was willling to jump on board that Train of HOPE/Thought.
But now that we know that is NOT a contingency, I'm camping out with
Virt's theory.
It makes sense in that, the 10 Thousand Page Document Dump was
done at the 11th hour with most of it being in Japanese and needing
a translator.
Remember, as soon as the Mediator told Judge Ward that the Higgins
ACP was holding up the settlement...............the Judge took action and
pretty soon after that a stangely worded settlement took place with an
MOU and JW attached??
The defendents complained that Roger Cook hadn't even told them
HOW MUCH HE WANTED. Well, maybe he couldn't UNTIL they had a
chance to got through all the J's sales records like Virt suggests.
And WHY no 8K on the Settlement? Wasn't that a Material Event???
Why NO 8K Patriot??? Well, I've written to Hawk and the Company.
If I get any answers, I'll let you know.
So, I ask again, especially the engineers and more technical investors here,
"Do you really believe that the J3's products didn't INFRINGE very much"?
I look forward to your responses.
Thanks and good luck to all.