Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Was/Is it RG's job to "kill" PTSC?

No it was his job to use our revenue from MMP licensing to create other revenue streams. We all know that the SP is going no where as long as Leckrone wants to operate in the stealth mode. Perhaps things will change when the 336 passes the reexam process, which should be in the next few weeks. The only way IMO that it will take longer is if our adversaries are sucessful in usurping the ex-parte process by submitting reexam request siting the same prior art which would be a form of appeal. As we all know they cannot appeal the ex-parte process but if this latest reexam request by Richardson and Fishis is allowed which does indeed site prior art already analyzed by the examiners, this to me would be a form of appeal. Hopefully it will not be allowed. I hope our legal team sees it in this light and takes appropiate action.

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