Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: biajj & wolf

Yes - Dividends! Let's beat THAT dead that dead horse again. Jeeeeesh!

New investors- Beware! There is a cadre of disenchanted longs here who are either willfully bashing to foment volatility or are blindly cutting off their noses to spite their faces by bringing up every conceivable negative event over and over again despite upward movement in the share price - a triple from just a few months ago- and despite ducks lining up in the right direction from where I stand.

Let's get real here. There is softness in the share price because there are more sellers than buyers at the moment. There is a ton of pent up selling pressure here because of the length of time many have been invested here. Any other "explanation" for where we are at the moment is used as just another opportunity to rehash old bad news to satisfy some need to be "right".

When the share price is going up - it "isn't going up fast enough" or "isn't where it is supposed to be" or "isn't stable enough" etc. etc. It isn't good enough that we are on an upward trend for the first time in a long while and for good reason. No- there are some here not content to... well ... be content with positive developments and for whatever bizarre reasons they seem to cling to, feel the need to harp on their pet complaints whenever their "needs" are not being met by the powers-that-be in the timeframes that they have selected for themselves.

Some even have enough gall to have admitted to selling into the spikes and then proceed to inexplicably jump on the board of directors at every opportunity that they have not done enough to prop up the share price by word or deed and astonishingly -and as if one (selling) is not related to the other (lower share price). Un...real! Some of these people are DIRECTLY responsible for the softness in the share price yet seem to have elected themselves King of the 20/20 hindsight management committee. There is always someone ready to second guess every decision made by PTSC, PDSG, TPL, Alliacence, Investor Relations, etc. - so-new investors- get used to it ! LOL

It seems that irrational exuberance is met with MORE disdain nowadays than the feedback around all of the BOD bashers and RG armchair quarterbacks taking potshots. Somebody says the stock could go over a buck and they are met with a Bronx cheer here at Agora. Have you guys all lost it?

You guys should all band together and start your own little publicly-traded company. Put up or shut up! I would love to see that!! The Keystone Cops come to mind.

C'mon people! Aren't we all here to make money on this investment? Is a rising share price not how the majority of people go about making money on an investment?

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