Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Are there any other "to the moon" longs who want to visualize this to $20 while

the public opinion poll as gone down for ignited. But like Obama, he will keep to his principles and continue to do his best. The polls will have to take care of themselves.

Hopefully Brian's charge against the BOD will raise help stimulate some corporate changes.

How come Lambert doesn't have more stars? With all he does, all he shares with everyone on this board. There's something wrong with that.

Can't see RG selling Crossflo since he is still in the middle of creating something here. But once he has it running and it's true value evident, perhaps he would entertain offers from GE or IBM or Google, (of course they had better have an MMP license)

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