The SP doesn't lie.
Very interesting discusion...
Share price seems to be a mixture of tangbles & intangebles.... emotions... market conditions... so you can look at both ways...
Our SP is certianly based on lack of performance(,the MMP & the company)uncertianty with our biggest asset(MMP)... .... If the share price goes up drastically is the market wrong??? or uncertianty & performance......clarified/ improved....
as far balance sheets,,, that is also based on tangibles & intangbles... so do they lie...(IE our ARS we have written off 4 million or so....) if we get a settlement or are able to cash in the ARS for the full amount.... did the balance sheet lie.....????
IMHO the market is right,,,, right @ the moment,,,, the balance sheet is right,,, @ that momemnt.. based on what people "believe"...
well here is to better times!!!