"Milestone, why don't you cut and paste last year's announcement, whether by 8k or 10q?"
Maybe milestone assumed that anyone interested enough would do the necessary legwork themselves. Admittedly it isn't as easy as posting one's immediate thoughts on this forum but isn't that difficult either. The following figures aren't for last week's SHM; obviously they're not yet available. I've copy/pasted them from the 10Q dealing with the previous SHM (Fall of 2008). Please excuse my formatting. They do indicate that anyone wanting to make changes to the BoD faces an uphill climb. I don't say that with any pleasure.
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Proposal to ratify management’s selection of KMJ Corbin & Company LLP as our independent auditors:
Votes For: 283,568,815
Votes Against: 10,416,382
Votes Abstaining: 7,634,826
Election of Directors:
Carlton M. Johnson, Jr.
Votes For: 252,726,778
Votes Abstaining and/or Against: 48,893,246
Helmut Falk, Jr.
Votes For: 257,753,650
Votes Abstaining and/or Against: 43,866,374
Gloria H. Felcyn
Votes For: 252,907,727
Votes Abstaining and/or Against: 48,712,297
Harry L. Tredennick, III
Votes For: 269,970,235
Votes Abstaining and/or Against: 31,649,788
Donald E. Schrock
Votes For: 272,890,341
Votes Abstaining and/or Against: 28,729,682