Reexam file 90/009457 contains a litigation search dated 3/1/10. On page 2 of that search it lists the texas litigation of the 584, 336 and 148. For each patent it lists the patent title, construed by and affirmed by. And in each case immediately following the affirmed by information there is the notation "Rehearing denied (June 6, 2008)." We know settlement took place Dec 18, 2007.
Man I wish I knew which party wanted to get the court to rehear this and why. Even better, how can the court rehear anything? I thought both both sides agreed to the settlement. ???????
Strange that the settlement pr indicates both sides happy with the settlement, but apparently not the case. But the settlement as we know it was long completed before they denied a rehearing. Would either side be trying to change the settlement, that has already taken place and is history? If not what?
The strangeness never seems to end.