Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: From Gloria: Date........March 14, 2010..........FWIW

We are in agreement here, and that's the crux of the issue.

If you go back, you'll see that have posted little since right after the SHM. In fact, I don't even think I even commented when Gloria's e-mail was posted.

What prompted my response now was the communication issue. That PTSC, during one of its more turbulent and challenging periods, moves its SHM to Chicago in the dead of winter, and makes no further public disclosure of the events of the meeting, and then a BOD member comes out and says they're not trying to hide anything, IMO, is simply disingenuous at best, and at worst a lie (in fact the read of one poster's report from the SHM is that his impression was exactly that, the meeting was moved there to limit the attendees and that the BOD members looked less than enthused to be there).

That the BOD member then references anonymous posters' recounts of the meeting as somehow an example of the company being communicative adds insult to that injury. That her private commuications to a shareholder reflect information not necessarily disclosed at the SHM reinforces the point further. If PTSC were at 50 cents, I probably wouldn't have taken the time. That it drifts downward to under 14 cents, implies that there's likely less to be positive about than our optimistic forum here ascribes to PTSC, and why I felt compelled to call foul this tme.

That's the issue that I raised, and that's the context in which I brought up the past, not to rehash the past, but to show that despite their apparent efforts to make changes, they're repeating the same mistakes. If they're doing it in communications, why should we expect that they're not doing it in the other areas? I hope they're not, but hope is not a strategy, lol. Smoke and fire.....there's an old saying.....

Also, to clarify, I've gone back and reread the 3 reports I remember from the SHM. Stormking, Carm and Thorpe were the posters. The only reference I found in their accounts to the 120 days is the 90-120 day time frame Flowers put on the CEO search, and in that context, he spoke of PDSG going it alone, or with a partner, not as part a discussion on selling PDSG.

You and milestone can have the last word on this, lol, as I'm sure I won't.

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