Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: From an Electronic Engineer regarding "I know what I own"

Wow! LOL, I feel like I've been challenged to a duel....a cyberduel! Not sure the protocol on this so bear with me.

In response to your challenge, and litany of questions, if you've read my posts lo these many years (which apparently you have since you're complaining about them, lol), you'd know that I've done some of things that you've asked, as I've shared some of my efforts with the board here. Mainly, I've corresponded with the company and sought guidance from professionals who might help. As you seem intent on ridicule, rather than on constructive criticism, I'll let you go back and research my post history for the details. And not to post the obvious, but had the SHM NOT been moved to Chicago, I would have been able and was planning on attending this year's meeting, as I live in Las Vegas, and was ready to make the drive to SD where I have family.

As you point out, there is more that I could do, as there is more that all of us could do. However, I haven't done more mainly out of a dearth of resources. While people like you insist on believing what you will despite all the evidence to the contrary, I actually haven't personally met anyone else here on this or any other board, so considering your history goes back farther than mine with them, I suppose you're more of a "gang" member than I am (pretty childish this "gang member" thing, don't you think). I'm simply a retail investor who has SOME confidence in the MMP, but knows that the current BOD are a huge obstacle to the realization of the FULL POTENTIAL of the successful prosecution of the patents.

As an aside, it's a little sad that you chuckle that it took a while for me to figure out the Baroni Management LLC deal, and your "until just the right time" comment is nonsensical. You seem to ignore the fact that the PTSC publicly stated the company was from a completly different state than it is actually from, and when directly asked about it on at least 2 occasions, couldn't or wouldn't clarify it to me. But then again, you insist on excusing the behavior of those who directly impact your investment, and would rather complain about those who try to effect some positive change, so what is YOUR PURPOSE in implying otherwise, lol.

While I wish I had to spare the $50K to $100K or more that it would take to launch a legal fight, I simply don't. You may think that's funny, but when you couple the loss PTSC already represents, I'm not willing to go it alone, or without a significant amount of other sharehoders to partner with and spread the costs. Laugh and mock as you will, but you seem to be even more unwilling to risk more capital on your own, so I guess the joke's on both of us.

As I don't want to be left out on the chuckling opportunities, it always gives me a chuckle, how people like you rail against critical posts about the BOD saying how posting about them on a message board has no effect on changing the situation. Based on the fact that you are quite unmoved to act in any way, I guess you're right. YET, out of the second of your two faces, you argue that these types of negatively critical posts cause investors to sell their shares, or not to invest at all. Kind of begs of why your so inconsistent in your views.

In closing and in dismissing your post, as for the options available to me, thankfully, YOU don't get to limit what my options are. They are not simply to buy and sell. They are many, and if I choose to, I'll excercise any and all of them, or just the ones I choose to, as much as that might chap your backside.

Forgive me if I don't share in milestoned's anticipation of your further pontification on why the company fought biajj's efforts, but what I will eagerly anticipate is your engagement, rather than playing the victim card of not being able to do anything, to enacting some positive changes to the company, before there is nothing left to positively change. The one thing that shareholders do control about the company is who serves on the Board of Directors. By the way, I don't consider board of directors whose skill sets are aligned with the stated strategy and market direction a company takes as "drastic change" lol. You'll find that MOST companies, OTC, Nasdaq or NYSE alike at least have that as part of their makeup. In fact, that's one of the sort of "ceremonial" EASY things that companies do to help their CREDIBIILTY with the market. So what do you say, FutTheWuk, why don't you help change the simple things for the better instead of standing in the way?!

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