Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: 1Rare1 / Re: Are you guys kidding me??????????
Apr 26, 2010 11:08PM

Now, now. You shouldn't be jumping to such emotional conclusions.

Afterall, you must know that the PTSC BOD, upon the first instance where PTSC was disadvantaged in the PDS licensing arrangement with TPL, promptly and immedicately ran down to the courthouse and filed this lawsuit we learned of today, against it's longtime business partner and licensing arm through which it generates essentially ALL of its income. I'm absolutely certain there were no prior instances of conflict or disadvantagement to PTSC that ever occurred through out the 5 year licensing history.

As most people in business do, I know this because in all of my practical business experience (mind you this was never taught to me in my studies, though I must admit they never reached the doctorate level so perhaps a different type of business acumen would have been gained there), as soon as there was even the hint of impropriety and/or especially of a failure of another party to live to the terms and intent of a contract with us or to compromise that in any way, the VERY FIRST thing we did was to file suit. This was especially true in dealing with our most important partners, those whose relationship we were most dependent on for survival.

This being the fact, I'm sure our resident expert legal representative, Mr. Johnson, who we know from the Company has been INSTRUMENTAL in ALL of the licensing efforts as well as the negotiation of the Master Agreement, has just recently, through his zealous oversight, realized that something might be askew with one of the current license deals being currently negotiated. Being the HAWK for shareholder benefit that he is, I'm sure he immediately effected a lawsuit against our previously unassailable partner. Thankfully, because of his and the rest of the BOD's vigilance, not to mention their even representation on the management committee of PDS through the two TPL representatives and our one PTSC representative, and of course not to mention the thorough auditing of all of the TPL / Alliancense expenses charged to PDS, I'm sure this action will suffice and nip this temporary perceived injustice, and that we'll soon find out it was all just a simple misunderstanding.

Hopefully, in the future, our BOD won't be so quick to file legal complaints against our partner. I'm hoping that next time, they'll perhaps bring it up at the PDS Management Committee meetings where license deals are approved, or, perhaps issue a written communication advising TPL that they don't think something was handled propoerly. Perhaps, even sending something like that through registered mail might suffice. Surely, such drastic action on the first injustice will in retrospect prove to be a No harm though, I'm sure Mr. Leckrone can interrupt and explain at the next shareholder meeting, which I'm told will be held in Iceland, when one of the shareholders might rise to ask for clarification on the subject from one of our esteemed and shareholder concious Directors.

No worries 1Rare1. We're in good hands.

Apr 27, 2010 01:04PM
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