I see that Stan Caplan has been suggested as a future BoD member, or replacement for Falk, as shareholder representation.
At best, I am aware that he has spoken at ASM's, has been issued with over 2 million warrants(from memory, so corrections more than welcome), and has a substantial holding.
Is the "substantial holding" personal?
How substantial is "substantial"?
Why were these warrants issued?
Were they finance-related?
Is there a relationship between PTSC BoD, S&L(for whom you state their business strategies were limited to "enriching themselves and Eric Swartz") and the issue of these warrants?
Did these warrants qualify for the three separate payments totaling 8 cents?
Were these warrants subject to the same terms as those for S&L?
Perhaps full clarification will be made before any formal declaration of a proposed shareholder representative to the BoD?
Be well