And, for the record, what PTSC offered Chuck for his half some years ago was an even worse deal than that....
So.. was the offer by PTSC more or less than the $7.5M TPL/Moore offered to buy PTSC's half yrs ago...??
I don't want to get in a pissin' match Mr Bailey... I very much appreciate your communications on this forum.. but Mr Moore is not without fault when it comes to the patents, their ownership, their development, and their resulted licensing... I have no doubt that Leckrone has screwed Mr Moore... and no doubt to a greater degree (no less maddening) than he has PTSC and its shareholders... Perhaps you should suggest to Mr Moore that now would be the very best time for Mr Moore & PTSC to merge their resourses and work together to resolve these legal issues with Leckrone... Then they can once again begin to license the 'patents on water', with or without TPL, and begin lining Mr Moore's & PTSC's pockets with the monies they both deserve as owners of these patents.
Have a very good day