You wrote "Our enemy is not our BOD but rather Lekrone. If you want to do any bashing go after Lekrone. He should be sued by every Patriot shareholder."
Isn't the following true, if this is the case?
1. The BOD is entrusted by the Shareholders, and by the law, to act in the best interests of the company and implicitly of the Shareholders.
2. Based on (1), if Lekrone should be "gone after" then the BOD should be doing the "going after". That is one reason why they exist.
3. The BOD shows no sign of "going after" Lekrone.
The deduction would thus be that the BOD is not acting in the best interests of the Shareholders, leaving the Shareholders with little option but to "go after" the BOD and hold them accountable for their alleged [in]action(s). This typically means a class action litigation, does it not?