Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: From Yahoo Message board

i believe you are missing the point that PTSC was not forced into signing a master agreement that turned the complete control of the mmp over to tpl. given the fact that ptsc bod failed to monitor the licensing/expenses, turning over the mmp to a dubious partner in tpl was not in the best interest of ptsc share holder or the company. the agreement that ptsc bod signed off on allowed tpl to manage the entire mmp and only turn net license monies over to ptsc. i do not believe ptsc was forced into signing such a lopsided agrement. tpl needed the other 50% of the mmp, so a better deal could and should have been struck. the deal ptsc struck had nothing to do with moore in that moore had already turned his control of the mmp over to tpl.

imo, the bottom line with this deal, what makes the agreement questionable as to the true motives of ptsc was that the ptsc bod decided to eliminate all staff and become just an employless company comprised of only a "working" bod. this was done at the same time the agreement with TPL was made. based on all that has transpired it is my belief that ptsc went into this agreement with tpl with the intention of turning the entire MMP over to TPL in exchange for permanent BOD positions/compensation and bonuses for signing the agreement. the bod has never deserved the compensation packages they receive since they really have nothing to do with the revenue source (MMP). if they are paid for their business wisdom in the acquisition binge and issuance of dividends (including the warrant holder) then they have failed miserably and should have their compensation packages directly tied to performance incentives or the stock price.....either way they are way over paid for a 5 cent stock.

would any of this matter if we were still generating millions of $ in revenue and the stock price was over a buck or 2? Probably one would care, no one wold notice. the ptsc bod game plan fell apart when TPL began to abuse the agreement. and it is a sad fact that ptsc bod did not question tpl until tpl was sued for its questionable behavior and co-mingling. ptsc bod was a silent partner to tpl's behavior at the expense of the share holder for the greedy purpose of self-enrichment...


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