Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Stay or Get other options-except to file complaint

That is the only choice that shareholders will ever have. However, if you are angry enough, you also have the choice to file a complaint. Ads, I'm with you. I have continued to hang in there for just enough of a pop in share price to get out. I gave up hope that our BoD will do the right thing and open the lines of communication with shareholders and the investing world. There is zero transparency from them and all we can do is rely upon each other to dig for information that we may share with the rest. I'm tired of it. I say if we need to dig, then dig for stuff we can give to the SEC and hope that something sticks. Something that will punish any guilty party for any wrong doing.

Frankly, I don't care what others like Fuk have to say. I saw Apple unredacted as a licensee in the court records. I read Carlton Johnson's declaration in which he admitted having concerns about Leckrone's submitted expenses. I did not pay for copies of those records, otherwise, I would gladly have posted them here for the world to see. Whether Fut or anyone else believe's me or not is of no consequence to me. Our BoD has not been minding the store and/or has purposely turned a blind eye to Leckrone. Now I am afraid that pursuant to this latest "UNDISCLOSED" agreement between PTSC and TPL/Alliacense, we will be even more reliant upon info from Pacers, Alliacense and resources other than our own BoD.

Does anyone here really believe that certain licensees would demand to remain anonymous given the anemic revenues posted in last few 10Ks vs number of announced signings? I believe it was in December 2011 when TPL introduced new counsel that mentioned in a Pacer that GE had obtained a license. However, shareholders were never told about GE. As a matter of fact, I had asked Cliff about it and he suggested that it may have been an error on the part of new counsel in their haste to try and get up to speed.

Then in their press releases announcing Ford on May 25, both PTSC and Alliacense also mention General Electric in the same PR? Yet GE, to my knowledge, has never formally been announced as a licensee of record. If it is such a secret, it's now been seen three times publically!

Why does Alliacense have a PR on their website, dated July 26, 2012, about Pentair purchasing an MMP license and yet PTSC has no such announcement on their website (to my knowledge).

Would the SEC have anything to say about a public corporation (PTSC) that consents to allow a privately held company to disseminate information of importance to its (PTSC's) shareholders without ever telling their own shareholders?

Cliff is not responsible for licensing (to my knowledge), not overseeing any other affiliate companies of PTSC, not actively looking for other M&A opportunities, and has no employees (to speak of) under his supervision. Is he being paid an outrageous salary and bonus to be the buffer between angry shareholders and Gloria and Cliff whose only interest may be in safeguarding the Faulk family and Swartz interests.....not ours?

The ITC is yet another waiting game for us. Perhaps we may see a few settlements along the way with or without announcements and my guess will be the dollar amounts will be insignificant (as we have seen of late). As for dividends, PTSC may actually intend to pay future dividends, however, I'm not holding my breath for that to happen any time soon.

Below is a link to a recent SEC complaint where you will find contact information for SEC directors located in Los Angeles. You decide whether to complain or not!

Sep 11, 2012 02:16PM

Sep 11, 2012 03:41PM
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