When I, and many others, continually month after month after month after month see a new name with the same message, I'm not much for thoughtful, kind and informative messaging. You'll have to forgive my curt replies.
Do I make mistakes? Absolutely I do. But in this instance, for example, when I see the following statement,
"Judge Wards and TPL’s Desired Construction:
An oscillator having a multiple, odd number of inversions arranged in a loop
They were able to get the CA district court judges to change that construction to a very narrow construction. Maybe the variable oscillator they used is also in the internal circuit but in a different location and not embedded in the microprocessor. It may also be based on temperature and voltage but from a different source."
I've got to say it is a similar poster with the same messaging. So then my question to you is, why aren't you standing watch also to clarify these untruths?