Have not clocked in here for some time and don't have time to dig through the pile of posts for the gems, (of which I am sure there are are at least some if not many) but got a remimnder from my calandar of today's event so decided to check in here for news that might be a bit closer to real time.
Hopefully there will be news (positive?) of general interest later today some one or more of those who are (or were) at the SHM.
As stated many times in the past here by many folks, dividends are the one of the best lures for future investors. Stock purchased at the current prices could yield significant returns if they (the BOD) hold to what was reportedly hinted at as a possible path for dealing with future revenue. Of course if the share prices rises as well, (as it likely would) that is an added benefit.
"We shall see" as I recall ronran often saying when signing off.