I have served on jury duty and found very responsable people on them. We took our time and went through every thing. I am not surprised this has taken as much time as it has. I would not want a jury returning in less than an hour with a verdict, because in my Lay men's eye this would not be good for us(we) as SH's.
Just because someone is a lay person does not take away their ability to be logical. This is the reason we hire excellent attorneys in this field along with experts that can explain all of the tech information in a way most people can understand. How many Rocket Scientists do you know? lol
I have owned PTSC for over 14 years. Have been through all the ups and downs and still believe I know what I own. Some one use to say that.
We are investors who believe in our pattens and I hope the Jury does too. Just a thought. GLTY and GLTA!