Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Obama and congressional Democrats are neo-Nazis...FW

"Give me a break. Dictatorships? So where was the US when Batista, Pinochet, Marcos, Suharto, Ramos, Salazar ruled with iron fists? Which side did the US support during the Iran-Iraq war? For those whose historical knowledge is sketchy, it was good old Saddam Hussein. The US, like most great powers have in the past, acts in its own best interests. That's not a criticism but a fact of the human condition. Let's hope we can all advance beyond that one day."

I believe those small dictatorships you mention we left for Canada to take care of LoL. Did any of those dictarships you mention threaten to build nuclear weapons and use them on us or their neighbors? When do you want to find out the terrorists have nuclear weapons? When they are set off in Quebec, Montreal, Vancouver? How many of your fellow countrymen need to be slaughtered before you change your views about what threats are in the world? The USA used to have a passive view like yourself about countries building huge arsenals but WWII changed all that for some of us. We won WWII with huge costs in human life. The USA sticks it's nose into all parts of the world since then because we are the ones that end up having to clean up the mess with our lives. Do you deny that the US citizens have carried the burden of the world in fighting Communism and other evil since WWII. Dictatorships and terrorists included? Who do you think brought down the Soviet Union during the cold war and kept you Canadians safe from nuclear aniolation by the USSR? Maybe we can leave them alone and they wont bother us right? Give me a break!

You seem to be a staunch supporter of the left. Just as it is dangerous to fall in love with PTSC it is also dangerous to worship Obama, Reed, Pelosi and the other far left that are currently in total control of our government and spending us into oblivian. Open your eyes FW. We must question our leaders, seek clarification of their plans and change what we don't want.

Also don't be so closed minded and ignorant of what's going on in the world.

You seem to have a double standard when it comes to spelling errors. I make one and your quick to point it out to try to belittle me and make me sound dumb and uneducated but if (Brian Biajj) makes one you let it slide. Interesting indeed.

Since your so smart maybe you can tell me what levels of shrink porosity are acceptable in the diffuser case of a jet engine? How about the levels of Laves phase? Perhaps you know how to read X-ray film. You see everyone has expertise in somthing. Some of us can spell, some of us know how to design and build homes, some of us are mechanics, some of us know what levels of shrink porosity is acceptable in a Diffuser case of a jet engine. Collectively we bring expertise in our fields to the group. This dosn't mean we're dumb.


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